In order to secure the benefits and pleasures of an association of
individuals sincerely interested in amateur astronomy we, the
members, do hereby organize and constitute ourselves The Cape Fear
Astronomical Society of Wilmington, a North Carolina non-profit
corporation. This corporation is organized exclusively for
charitable, educational, and scientific purposes under section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section
of any future federal tax code.
The goals of this corporation will be to promote the enjoyment and
preservation of the night skies, to encourage and coordinate the
activities of amateur astronomical societies, to reach out to the
community with astronomy education, to develop skill in the
various fields of astronomy, and to mentor others interested in
amateur astronomy.
This Constitution shall be used as the Bylaws of the Corporation.
The name of this corporation shall be the Cape Fear Astronomical Society.
- Any person paying dues and having a sincere interest in
astronomy will be admitted to membership without regard to
sex, race, creed or national origin. Paid members shall have
full voting privileges and shall be eligible to hold office.
- There shall be four classes of membership in the Society:
- Regular Membership: Granted to any person who has paid
at least the set annual dues.
- Lifetime Membership: Awarded to any person who has
paid a one-time fee at least 20 times the set annual
dues. Lifetime members need pay no additional dues
during their lifetime.
- Family Membership: Dues for a family membership is
125% of the set annual dues, and covers all members of the
- Student Membership: Available to students, in good
standing, who have paid at least $5 annual
- Annual membership dues will become due and payable in
January of each year. Members whose dues are not paid
before or during the March meeting will be dropped from the
roster and email list. Members deciding to rejoin later that
year will pay the full yearly dues regardless of the time
remaining in that year.
New joining members will pay a prorated amount based on
quarters, paying only the remaining quarters in that
calendar year.
- All computed and prorated dues amounts will be rounded
to the next highest whole dollar amount.
- Any change to the annual dues shall be determined by the
Executive Board and Published prior to the October regular
meeting. The change must be approved by a majority of a
Quorum at the November meeting.
A member may be removed from membership by a two thirds vote
of a Quorum after a show of due cause under the provision
that the members are notified of such proposed action during
the regular meeting prior to the meeting at which the action
is to be taken.
- The elected officers of The Cape Fear Astronomical Society
shall consist of President, Vice President, Associate Vice
President, Secretary and Treasurer.
- The officers of the Society shall be elected to serve for one calendar year.
- The Executive Board shall be comprised of all elected
officers of the society. The Executive Board will have
powers as described in this Constitution, will act as the
Corporate Board of Directors, and may meet in person or via
electronic means as needed. Minutes of meetings of the
executive board shall be kept, published by the Secretary,
and stored in the Corporate Archive.
- Duties of an officer may be delegated to a member by an
officer. Delegations must be for a limited time and will
expire at the end of the delegating officer's term. The
society must be notified by the secretary of these
- Unelected officers are appointed by the President with
approval of the Executive Board. They serve until resignation
or removal by the President with approval of the Executive
- Unelected officers will include Outreach
Coordinator, Program Coordinator, Astronomical League
Coordinator, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster,
and such other positions as are deemed necessary. All
unelected officers must be members in good standing.
PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all business
meetings, shall be the chairperson of the Executive Board
and shall call extra business meetings when deemed
necessary. They shall temporarily fill vacancies and
appoint committees not otherwise provided for. They shall
be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall perform
all other duties normally required by the office of
VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall preside in the
absence or inability of the President to serve. In
addition, if there is no Outreach Coordinator they shall
coordinate the society's public outreach activities.
ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT: The Associate Vice President
shall preside in the absence or inability of the President
and Vice President to serve. In addition, if there is no
Program Coordinator they shall be responsible for finding
presenters for monthly meeting programs.
The duties of the Secretary fall into the following areas:
Registered Agent: Corporations are required to have a
Registered Agent to receive legal correspondence. The
Secretary shall act as the Registered Agent for the
Society. The Secretary shall amend and file any
documents required by law when the Registered Agent
changes. All expenses required in performance of this
duty shall be reimbursed by the Society.
Record keeping: The Secretary shall keep the Minutes of
all regular, special, or Executive Board meetings.
They shall maintain these minutes in a permanent
record, along with annual roster and finance reports,
which will be available to the general membership, and
as required by applicable state or federal laws. The
Secretary shall use the records to prepare and submit
any reports required by law.
Corresponding: The Secretary shall correspond with
other organizations and individuals regarding society
business and activities.
Publishing: The Secretary shall be responsible for
accumulating, coordinating, producing and distributing
news and information of interest to the membership
(Publishing), including but not limited to the minutes,
the schedule of all meetings, and all society
activities and functions. The means of Publishing
shall include the society web pages and email list, as
well as on-line social and traditional print and
broadcast media as appropriate.
TREASURER: The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of
all financial transactions of the corporation and will
carry out the following:
Receive and receipt dues from members.
Maintain an up-to-date roster of the membership, to be
Published at least annually.
Account for and bank all dues properly.
Pay all bills justly accrued by the corporation.
Send renewal subscription monies to the appropriate
publisher for those members who obtain special society
subscription rates to astronomical publications.
An annual election shall be held during the December
business meeting. If a Quorum is not present the current
officers will continue until an election can be held. The
election will be held at the next business meeting where a
Quorum is present.
Nominations shall be accepted from the floor and recorded by
the Secretary in the minutes at the last two regular
meetings preceding the annual election. Candidates must
indicate that they accept the nomination in person or in
writing by signed and dated letter to the President.
At the last regular meeting preceding the annual election,
the President shall appoint a Teller for the upcoming
election. The Teller shall be a member who is not a
candidate for any elected Society
office. The Teller shall administer all aspects of the
election, shall tally the votes and shall report the
results verbally to the membership before the conclusion of
the annual election. These results shall then be recorded
in the minutes by the Secretary.
Voting and determining winners.
All offices with a single candidate may be combined into
a single slate. The slate will be accepted or rejected
by voice vote. The slate shall be accepted if the
number of yea votes exceeds the number of nay votes. If
the slate is rejected, each office will be voted
A secret ballot will be held for each office where there
are more than one candidate. The winner shall be the
candidate receiving the greatest number of votes.
If a candidate is running unopposed but not elected as
part of a slate, a secret ballot is held with each
member casting a yea or nay. The candidate is elected
if the number of yea votes exceeds the number of nay
In the event of a tie in the voting for any office, the
President shall call a recess as soon as all results
have been announced. If at the conclusion of this
recess, neither candidate involved in the tie wishes to
withdraw from the race, a runoff vote will then be
conducted with members present writing their choice on
blank ballots. If this runoff also results in a tie,
then the race for that office will be decided by the
toss of a coin.
Offices which cannot be filled by the normal election
shall be filled by appointment per Article IV Section 1.
Elections may be held during online meetings via a
polling mechanism built into the meeting software, so
long as it allows secret balloting. Elections during
remote meetings will proceed as for in-person meetings,
but all voting and counting of votes will be done via
the software polling mechanism.
There shall be no absentee voting conducted by the Society at any time.
Officers may be removed from office by two-thirds vote of a
Quorum after a show of due cause under the provision that
the members are notified of such proposed action at the
regular meeting prior to the meeting at which the action is
to be taken. The Secretary will Publish the proposed
removal in the minutes.
Vacancies occurring between elections shall be filled by a
special election at the regular meeting following the
announcement of the resignation or withdrawal of the
officer. Duties of the office shall reside with the
President or his interim appointee unless otherwise directed
by the Executive Board.
Regular meetings: The Cape Fear Astronomical Society will
hold its regular business meeting once a month; at a date,
time, and location agreed upon by the membership present
at the previous regular meeting and Published at least two
weeks prior to the meeting.
Special meetings: The times dates and locations for special
events and/or activities will be Published at least two weeks
The Executive Board will decide if a scheduled meeting must
be canceled or rescheduled. Notification will be Published
as quickly as possible. If the meeting is rescheduled, the
new date, time, and location will be Published at least one
week prior to the new meeting date.
The Treasury of The Cape Fear Astronomical Society shall
be held in one or more accounts at a reputable local
bank. Such accounts may include checking, savings or
certificates in the name of the Society and with proportional
funding at the discretion of the Treasurer. All withdrawals
will require the signatures of the Treasurer and the
The Executive Board shall be empowered to pay bills and
make expenditures on behalf of the Society between regular meetings up
to 4 times the set annual dues, out of pocket with reimbursement by
the Society or directly from the Society's account. Larger amounts
require the approval of a majority of a Quorum.
All payments and expenditures shall be reported by the
President or Treasurer at the next regular business meeting
and must be recorded in the meeting minutes.
The minimum number of members of the
Society that must be present for valid transaction of business
at a regular meeting shall be 25 percent of the membership,
which shall constitute a Quorum.
The minimum number of members of the Society to participate
in a valid transaction of business during an electronic
meeting shall be 25 percent of the membership, which shall
constitute a Quorum.
A transaction may be proposed for electronic voting to
the CFAS email list by any club member. Members will be
allowed to discuss the proposed transaction for a minimum of
two days. The President will then approve or deny the
transaction for voting. If approved, the President will
appoint a Teller to post the official transaction email and
tabulate the voting results. Voting will take place for a
minimum of three days and a maximum of five days from the
date of the official transaction post. The expiration date
for voting will be posted in the official transaction email.
Voting results will be posted to the email list within seven
days of the official transaction post.
Proposed amendments must be made available to the members at
a regular meeting at least one month before voting. The
amendments must be Published at least four weeks prior to the
vote. On seconding of a motion to amend as proposed, the
President will appoint a Teller and a secret ballot will be
held, with Yea votes to accept and Nay votes to reject the
amendments. Amendments must be approved by a two-thirds vote
of a Quorum at a regular meeting. Voting on
constitutional amendments may be done at on-line meetings via
a polling mechanism built into the meeting software so long
as it allows secret balloting. The amendment process during
remote meetings will proceed as for in-person meetings, but
all voting and counting of votes will be done via the
software polling mechanism.
Use of Society property or equipment for reasons other than
associated Society activities may only be approved by a
two-thirds vote of a Quorum, provided that notice of the use
was published at least two weeks in advance.
No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure
to the benefit of or be distributable to, its members,
directors, officers, or other private persons except that the
corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable
compensation for services rendered and to make payments and
distributions in furtherance of the of purposes set forth in
the Articles of Incorporation. No substantial part of the
activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of
propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation,
and the corporation shall not participate in or intervene in
(including the publishing or distribution of statements) any
political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any
candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other
provisions of this document, the corporation shall not carry on
any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a
corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section
501(3)(c) of the Code or (b) by a corporation, contributions
to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Code.
Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the Board of
Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the
payment of all of the liabilities of the corporation,
dispose of all of the assets of the corporation exclusively
for the purposes of the corporation in such manner, or to
such organization or organizations organized and operated
exclusively for religious charitable, educational,
scientific or literary purposes as shall at the time qualify
as an exempt organization or organizations under Section
501(c)(3) of the Code as the Board of Directors shall
determine, or to federal, state, or local governments to be
used exclusively for public purposes.